Friday, May 18, 2007


So I just came in from my 5-mile jog, my 5k race for Ovarian Cancer is next weekend. So I'm happy to say that I've been commited in my training even though this accelerated nursing program takes 99.9% of my time. I'm glad that I start exercising again because whenever I'm caught up in school I tend to neglect my health. So setting goals like these races really is helping me make a concious effort not only to work out but watch what I eat.

It's weird that last night I had a dream that I came into my community class and the professor stands up and say put everything away , number two pencil, and you have 30 minutes to complete this quiz. I was like what da hell? A quiz! In my head I'm like oh my gosh how da hell I lost track that we had a quiz. I said to myself (of course all of this in the dream) okay calm down you can do this I could pass this from my whateva I heard in class while I was half listening. And then she passes it out and its like 20 questions with fill in the blanks where you have to put the stastical number. Immediately I was like Oh my God I failed it and put my pencil down. The professor then said I'll be right back it was an emergency next door in the other classroom. So I see this girl next to me with her notes under the scantron pretty much cheating. And then I was like hey maybe I could look at my notes, and instantly I said oh forget it, I failed I failed, I should have remmebered we had a quiz. It was weirdm then the scenary chage into something totally different.

But its funny to me even in my freakin dream I cant even cheat. Throughout my college experience I'v witness so many cheatin episodes and I never felt the need to take that route. There was plenty of time in organic chemistry I didnt half of that crap on the exams despite studying my ass off. But when I got that 'C' as a final grade, I shouted for joy because I earned with all my tears literally.
Today I shared this dream with my studymates, it was just weird because I never had a dream like that before.

So now I'm going to start studying for my three quizzes: Pharmacology II, Peds, and Adult II. And guess what? They're all on the same day, lovely Monday. What da hell? Anyhoo, enough moaning and groaning and on to studying so I can get them 'A's. Ooooh plus next thursday I'll post some exciting news well to me its exciting, until then much love.:)

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