Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well here's the dilemma, I really want to work with adolescent/underserved mom as far as providing midwifery care. But at the same time I would really like to work in a birthing center environment without all the medicalized interventions which equates to low risk pregnancy. Which the moms I would like to provide care for does not fall into that category. But I have a preceptor offer in which it would be in a birthing center which I am totally psyched. Maybe I could provide prenatal care for this population and still provide midwifery services in a birthing center. Maybe thru my prenatal teaching this population thru behavioral changes decrease their risk. ooooooh I dont know, meaning its time to pray!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Its been so long

Well HAPPY NEW YEAR!(3mos too late) Its been a whole 9 months since I've last updated. I SURVIVED the BSN accelerated program. Graduated past Septempber. NICU nurse for past 3mos. Almost off of orientation. Process of applying to Midwifery school. Looking into registering for a DOULA workshop hopefully thru ALACE. And thats about it! HAPPY and BLESSED! AND will be updating more in detail soon..hopefully:)